Whilst developing web applications, more than often we are confronted with the need to validate user inputs. On the client-side (browsers) we generally do that with scripting languages; and for those users who have perhaps deliberately disabled their browser script support; we perform the same set validation on the server side, and this time we write some lines-of-code to extract the user input from the HTTP request and validate the same. Well, although ironic; yet it seems to be a de-facto that - we have to specify the validation rules separately on the client and server side, for eventually validating something that is semantically same. A technical analysis into the core reason reveals that – although the semantics of the herein discussed "thing" (i.e. the user input) are the same, yet the representations of the semantic on the client and server side are different; which enforces us to implement the extraction and validation logic differently. So going by that theory - if ...